Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Truth of It

I just have to laugh, albeit ruefully, at the liberal press when they exhibit such incredulity that Trump's supporters continue to support him when they are the group hurt most by his policies. "Surely, this time they will turn against him," they say, while donning their safari gear and preparing to head into the wilds of middle America.

The latest targets in their quest to find Trump supporters who have turned on him are farmers hurt badly by his trade wars with America's largest agricultural trading partners.

I don't pretend to have heard all the interviews with farmers. I'm sure there are a few individuals whose opinion of him has changed. All of the ones I've heard, though, have expressed unenthusiastic, but steadfast support, with the justification that other countries have been pushing us around for years now, and, finally, someone is standing up to them. So, if they must suffer in order to stand with Trump against the international bullies, then so be it. They are his loyal foot soldiers, prepared to sacrifice themselves if called upon to do so.

Exactly how the world has been pushing us around is never explained, but it is incontrovertible conservative doctrine that during the Obama presidency he went around the world apologizing for America's greatness to everyone he could find, while allowing America to be disrespected and bullied. That this has no basis in reality matters not at all. It's true in conservative world, just as it's true that white men are persecuted and discriminated against more than any other group.  These things are true in conservative world, and to conservatives, that's true enough.

I wish I could meet just one of these liberal media members conducting these interviews, grab them by the shoulders and just shake the shit out of them. Then once I've got their attention, I would yell: "Get it through your head. Forty percent of Americans are Trumpsters! Forty fucking percent! And in rural America, eighty fucking percent! Eighty fucking percent! And they will never be anything else! They will never stop being Trumpsters! No matter what! If they lose their businesses and their homes! If they can't afford an education for their children! If they can't afford healthcare for their families! If their livestock die from the heat and rivers flow through their living rooms! They will still be Trumpsters! And no, I can't explain it to you! And no, it doesn't matter if you understand it! Just accept it! Just Fucking Accept It!"

At least then I would feel better, although our world would still be doomed.

There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Note to Neil deGrasse Tyson and anyone else who has, or is thinking about, apologizing for anything on any social media forum.

If your apology ends with the phrase, "If you are one of those people, I apologize," then you haven't apologized.

If you are apologizing online and find yourself typing the words, "If you are one of those people," be honest enough to end with, "fuck you."

There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.

The Reason Why

Republicans love to pretend that they have no idea why this country has so much more gun violence than the rest of the world. Of course they know, they just don't want to admit it. To simplify it so there is no misunderstanding, I've put it in the form of a simple formula:


There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.