Monday, February 20, 2012

Deceivers and the Deceived

I recently received a very disappointing phone call from a woman with an adult son with special needs who lives at home with her.   Because of her advocacy for her son over the years, she has become involved with numerous statewide committees and advisory groups dealing with funding programs for housing and services for people with mental and physical disabilities.  And since I work in that field, our conversation turned to the cuts to those programs that have occurred over the past several years, and that continue to occur. 
She asked me several times who was responsible for the cuts and since I couldn’t help but assume that  she knew as well as I the group that was responsible, I responded generically that it was the fault of politicians.   Then she said something that made me understand where she was coming from.  She asked me if I knew Nancy Pelois’s salary as speaker of the house, and before I could respond she told me it was $250,000 I believe she said.  She went on to say that perhaps Ms. Pelosi should consider donating this amount to the programs benefiting people with disabilities that had been cut so extensively in recent years.    Now I’m not sure about the salary of the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, but the figure she mentioned sounded plausible, but I am sure that the Speaker is no longer Nancy Pelosi, so I commented that perhaps John Boehner might consider the same thing.   She mumbled something about his salary not being that much. 
So then I got it.  Like so many other people I’ve talked to in recent years, she was determined to blame Democrats for cuts in government programs and assistance that negatively affected her and her loved ones.  Evidently she has decided to be a Republican, and is prepared to ignore reality in order to justify the decision to herself. 
Cognitive dissonance this condition is called, and it appears in surprising places.  My own mother, who is not in good health and relies on Medicare and Social Security to survive, seems to be firmly convinced that President Obama is determined to do away with both programs and only the Republicans stand in his way.  She’ll say with great sincerity,  “I just pray they don’t let him get away with it.”  With “they” referring to the Republicans he battles on a daily basis to save these and other public programs on which the poor, the elderly, and the disabled depend for their very lives.   I sometimes point out to her that she was a Democrat until recent years, and she used to know that that this was the party that created and defended these programs from the Republicans.  But my comments make no difference, her mind has become locked into a permanent state of dissonance.  Like my friend with the disabled child, my mother believes what she wants to believe, and nothing I can say will change that. 
And the reason for this?  Part of it is surely the ability and willingness of Republicans to lie convincingly about their motives and actions, along with their substantial financial resources that they are more than willing to expend in the effort.  But to succeed, lies require a gullible and often willing audience, and if racism is introduced into the mix, then the capacity for seeing reality not as it is, but as they want it to be, is increased exponentially.   It’s an unfortunate partnership of deceivers and those that want  to be deceived, and the price is being paid by the ones least able to afford it.
There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.


  1. Yes, cognitive dissonance is everywhere - we have a very good friend who is rabid about the government taking care of everyone - yet he has worked many years for a company that relies on federal contracts, his kids got student loans and his son is getting a PhD at a state school. The justification, I suppose, is that they worked for their benefits. Still looks hypocritical to me

    1. Hey Barb. Thanks for keeping in touch. I know many of the type you mention: public sector conservatives who live off tax money, but still criticize government and claim everything it does is wrong. Except for funding their job, of course. I plan a post soon about them.

  2. Bipartisanship is distracting Americans from the fact that both parties are bought and paid for. just look at a debt chart starting 1900. it increases all the time no matter which party is in power. Ppl with disabilities will suffer. With a 70 trillion debt(20 trillion known, 50 trillion unfunded liabilities) the spending will implode. Prepare, or perish. under Obama the Pentagon supported arming Al Qaeda in Syria "to fight Assad" which then morphed into ISIS: aka Obama is basically Bush3 and a military-industrial complex has taken over America and using bipartisanship to keep the country divided. Its possible black lives matter are puppets used by the elites to create division. the rabbit hole goes deep. I think its likely the USA will start WW3.

  3. Well, John, you cover a lot of territory there. But I can't agree with what seems to be your basic premise: that there is no difference between the parties. Politicians on both sides who have been bought and paid for, yes. But beyond that, the Democratic party still stands for a strong, united, inclusive nation with equality, while the Republican party has become the opposite of that.

    1. maybe domestically. But both foreign policies have been disastrous and similar. I mean Obama has neocon advisors and he listened and now Obama created ISIS. ISIS drives in brand new pickups supplied by the USA. USA foreign policy needs to change, and fast.
      heres some links to prove that you better prepare(save cash or gold) or you will suffer.

      maybe Obamas too scared of being assasinated like JFK to put a stop to the military-industrial complex who has infiltrated both parties.

  4. Actually, George W. Bush created ISIS when he invaded Iraq, deposed the Sunni government and elevated the Shiites. Now Democrats are trying to clean up the mess made by Republicans as usual.
