Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner

I'm old enough to remember when Bruce Jenner was an honest-to-goodness, real American hero.  The undersized all-American kid who became the world's greatest athlete by defeating the Russian and east German supermen. This was back in the day when the USSR, for propaganda purposes, invested heavily in identifying potential Olympic champions at a young age and enrolling them in state-run athletic mills where they were immersed in the the most up-to-date training, nutritional, and drug regimens. While American Olympic athletes, on the other hand, were pretty much on their own. So, it was quite an achievement when he won the grueling Decathlon in the 1976 Olympics.

Even later, when he revealed his Republican leanings, he remained a hero to me.  As the years, passed, though, and the GOP moved ever further to the right, becoming ever more bigoted, hate-filled, and intolerant, and he chose a career as a professional celebrity, it became increasingly difficult to hold him in high regard.  Then it became impossible.  It wasn't his decision to become a woman; I had no problem with that. I imagine the misery must be suffocating for individuals who perceive themselves trapped in a body not conforming to their true gender.

But as he, now she, maintained her loyalty to the Republican party, with no objection to it's ever-strengthening alliance with groups that are the primary persecutors of transgender people, a tipping point was reached for me, and she became a shallow, self-centered man with nothing inside, who became a shallow, self-centered woman with nothing inside. Nothing to see here, unfortunately.  Just another of the multitude whose moral compass points nowhere.

There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.

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