Sunday, July 10, 2016

More murders

In my opinion, just about everything wrong with this country is the fault of conservatives, and, with the exception of natural disasters, they are behind almost every catastrophe that befalls us. And, actually, the many natural disasters that have their origins in global warning can also be laid at their feet. What a great country, and great world, we could have if it weren't for conservatives.

Take the current state of affairs between cops and black people. Recently, there have been far too many incidents of cops shooting and otherwise killing black people who are guilty either of nothing, or of relatively little. And, now it looks like black people are organizing and fighting back.

Why has our county come to such a sad state of affairs?  Conservatives, as usual.  For years, they, in close coordination with their political arm, the GOP, and lobbying arm, the NRA, have engaged in a strategy to turn America into the middle east. So that now it's gotten to the point that cops have to assume that everyone they approach, especially young males, are armed. Racism, and racial polarization don't help the situation, but that has been improving slowly, as more liberal policies of diversity and inclusion have been adopted to replace regressive conservative policies.

But no amount of dialogue and reconciliation can improve the situation much, not after conservatives have successfully turned the country into a collection of armed camps, and expanded their efforts by inflaming emotions in order to set the opposing sides permanently and irrevocably against each other.

Their strategy has succeeded to the degree that it seems like cops now see white men legally carrying guns as potential allies, while black men legally carrying guns are definite enemies.  And as the police increasingly become military organizations in response to an increasingly militarized populace, their tendency is to deal with enemies as the military does.

Conservative spokesmen remind me of bad magicians, constantly and clumsily trying to direct our attention to the threats from outside the country, in order to distract us from the carnage going on inside our country. The fact that so many of us fall for their act says as much about us as them.

There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.

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