Thursday, August 20, 2020

It's the Economy Stupid

The only thing Trump has to offer non-racist Americans is his claim that the economy was so strong pre-covid. But that is not even close to the truth. After Republicans wrecked our economy, and the world's, in 2007-08, Obama got it back on track. Trump was handed a growing economy that was humming along nicely. So, naturally Trump did what Republicans do: give a huge tax break to the rich which doubled the budget deficit. 

At the time of covid, our economy was running a huge deficit, middle class wages were stagnant, working class families were having to hold down two or three jobs and still couldn't afford decent housing, and income inequality was at an historic level. The deficit caused by the tax cut means that we don't have the borrowing capacity to carry the economy until the pandemic eases, so what would have been a recession will probably now be a depression.   

For a century now, we have been in a cycle where Republicans wreck our economy and Democrats have to rebuild it. Imagine where we would be if Democrats could spend their time in office moving the country ahead, instead of repairing the damage done by Republicans. It would be nice to think we can break that cycle at some point, but for now it will continue, although this time the damage done by Republicans may be permanent. 

There are no morals more relative than conservative morals, and no hypocrisy quite like conservative hypocrisy.

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